Share ~ Each and every person is loved and treasured by God. Because of this, each and every person has wonderful gifts to share with the world. As a church, we strive to help people understand, accept, and embrace this reality. We then learn to live out of that freedom and joy. Being in community allows us to share and offer the best of what we have in life as well as to receive the best of what others have to give. It’s where we are all growing and learning and evolving. That why there’s a spirit of openness and generosity to everything we do.
Serve ~ At the heart of our faith is the call to build a better world for all, to be God’s hands and feet in the world. Because of this we all have a variety of ways that we work for justice, seek peace and reconciliation, offer compassion, and reach out to those who are marginalized in society. At church we learn and grow and deepen our faith lives so that we can then make a difference out in the world.