We are a downtown church with strong outreach programs, both locally and worldwide. Our congregation is made up of active participating members in a full range of age groups. Sunday worship, Sunday school, small groups, Bible studies, pastoral and marriage counseling, and spiritual growth opportunities and support groups are overseen, directed, and led by our pastor, our staff, and the numerous generous lay leaders and faithful volunteers that make this church their faith home.
We currently have a wonderful interim minister, Rev. Susan Tarolli, with whom we are working to discern our mission and God’s vision for what we are called to be, and doing some planning to ensure we can continue to live our faith in the larger Franklin County area.
Values /Values / Mission
Every congregation has a particular set of values to which it holds dear. These values shape the overall ministry. The core values of a congregation are the most deeply held beliefs that guide our actions. If we were to stop to doing them, we would cease to be who we are. While there are many more values that we hold dear, these are the ones the congregation has lifted up as most foundational.
Our vision is for the world to be transformed by love.
We are a community of seekers, rooted in the Christian faith,
equipping ourselves—in soul, body, and mind—to practice God’s love in the world
As an Open and Affirming church, we celebrate the radically inclusive ministry of Jesus Christ. As disciples of Jesus, we strive to restore justice wherever God’s creation is broken or divided. While many persons have long been excluded and dishonored by the church based on their sexual orientation, we stand against that exclusion by welcoming into our community our gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender sisters, brothers, and siblings. Acknowledging our vast diversities, such as race, nationality, age, and even relationship status, we invite all people into the full life, mission, and ministry of this congregation.