Am I really welcome? Yes. When we say that ‘All are welcome’ we truly mean it.
Can my children participate? Children are an important part of our community. We are glad to have them in worship with us and it’s fine if they squirm or make a little noise. After a short time in the sanctuary, children are invited to go downstairs for their own way of being in church. This often involves singing, craft projects, Bible stories, games, and service activities. Children are also perfectly welcome to remain in worship with you.
Do you offer something for infants and toddlers? Yes. We have nursery care for infants and toddlers under age 5 during our Sunday worship service. Our nursery has cribs as well as safe, age-appropriate toys, and a spacious play area.
What is the United Church of Christ? It is a group of churches with shared beliefs, history, and shared ways of being organized. In New England, most Congregational churches joined the United Church of Christ in 1957 as did three other smaller denominations. You can check out the UCC’s homepage for more information:
Do I have to belong to your denomination to attend church? Not at all. Many folks in our church grew up in another denomination – former Catholics or Lutherans, Presbyterians, or Baptists. If you are interested in joining the church, just speak with the pastor and/or come to one of our periodic membership classes.
How do I know what is going on? Each Thursday, we send out The Weekly Reader via email, full of information about what’s going on and how you can become involved if you wish. Our Sunday worship bulletin outlines the worship service so everyone knows what to expect; and during our third-Sunday Zoom services, the order of worship appears on your screen.
Is there a dress code? Just come as you are. Some folks dress casually while others get dressed up. The important thing is that you’re here.
Can a guest take communion? Yes. We practice an ‘open table’ where anyone is welcome to share in communion, whether they are a church member or not. There are no prerequisites or requirements. Jesus didn’t make them, so neither do we.
What if I don’t know what I believe? Lots of people have questions here. Faith is a journey, and we are all in different places along the way. We don’t see doubt, questioning, or uncertainty as the ‘enemy’ of faith, and believe that in questioning we can further explore and grow.
Where should I sit? There are no assigned seats. You may sit wherever you like.
How much does it cost to go there? Nothing. We collect an offering every week, and as a visitor you are welcome to give if you wish but there is no obligation to do so. We are a church that is supported financially by the people who have chosen to make this church their home. Our giving reflects a desire to love God more fully, to practice greater generosity, and to be a part of what God is doing in and through the work of our church.
How long does your worship service last? We generally aim for one hour. On Sundays with special events (baptisms, communion, extra music, new members joining, etc.) it sometimes stretches to a little over an hour. After the service, everyone is welcome to stay around for our coffee hour. It’s a great chance to catch up with old friends and make some new ones.