Ash Wednesday – Forty days before Easter, we gather for a service that marks the beginning of Lent.
Lenten Services – During the 5 weeks between Ash Wednesday and Easter, a season known as Lent, we reflect upon the gifts of patience, faith, peace, love, and many other topics as we prepare for Easter Sunday.
Holy Thursday – This powerful service, held on the Thursday before Easter, re-enacts the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples.
Good Friday – Some years, we host this service on the Friday before Easter to mark the time of Jesus’s crucifixion. Other years, we join the service at another local church.
Easter Sunday – On Easter Sunday, we come together to experience the profound mystery and joy that lies at the center of our faith.
Children & Youth Sunday – Every year in June, our young people lead the Sunday morning worship service as a way to share with us some of what they have learned during the year.
Social Justice Vigils – To support people in our community and the larger world, we periodically host vigils for peace and justice, healing and hope.
Interfaith Community Thanksgiving Service – To celebrate the rich plurality of religious life in our area, we periodically host The Interfaith Council of Franklin Country’s Community Thanksgiving Service with people and leaders from the area’s varied religious communities.
Christmas Eve – We gather in the early evening of December 24th to hear the Biblical stories of Christmas, sing Christmas carols, and bask in the warm candlelight. Children are welcome to stay in worship. In 2024, the service is at 5:00PM.
Taizé (pr. ‘Tah-zay’) – On New Year’s Eve, Deceomber 31st, we welcome people from many different churches and the larger community to gather for this quiet and contemplative worship service. Based the monastic community of Taize France, which is made up of Catholics and Protestants, many people find this blend of music and meditation, scripture readings and simple songs the perfect way to welcome the new year. In 2024, the service is at 7:00PM.
Music & Story Sunday – On the first Sunday after Christmas our church community shares their gifts of poetry and art, stories and song as we continue to celebrate the Christmas season.
If you have questions about any of these services, or want more information, contact the office at