There are many events and outreach that happen at our church, including:
- Centering prayer groups on Tuesday and Thursday mornings
- Quilting and knitting group, Stitching With Love, meeting every Wednesday at 1:00PM
- Choir rehearsals
- Book Discussions
- Bible Studies or special book studies
- Faith and Film Night
- Youth & Children activities
- Intergenerational activities, like Games and Pizza Night
- Layette Ministry
- Free Community Meals every Tuesday and Wednesday serving at 4:45 – 5:45PM
- Special Pop-Up Ministries, like our Circle of Care, helping refugees in our area
- Plus several community meetings and special programs:
Including:- Big Brothers and Big Sisters
- NA, Tuesday & Thursday, at noon
- Franklin County Community Meals, Tuesday and Wednesday, 4:45-5:45PM
For the most up-to-date list of upcoming events, subscribe to The Weekly Reader email which is sent out on Thursday afternoons. We use Constant Contact so it is easy to sign up, manage your personal preferences, and even unsubscribe. To subscribe, go to: