Centering Prayer is a practice of silent prayer that helps us experience God’s presence within us, foster and deepen our relationship with God, and add depth of meaning to the other facets of our life.
For many people, the quietness of Centering Prayer helps open them up to God’s presence so that times of worship and acts of service are grounded in loving compassion.
Centering prayer is a way to find rest in God presence. And it brings us together as a larger community as it helps bond us in mutual friendship and love.
We have a few groups that are led by people in the church who have made this type of prayer a major part of their faith journey. The groups meet throughout our program year, each with its own distinct character and focus.
If interested in joining a Centering Prayer group, please contact the church office and we will put you in touch with one of the leaders who can answer any questions you may have:
Here is a brief video that gives a good overview.