Our church seeks to transform lives, both inside the church and in the world. One way we do this inside the church is by providing ongoing opportunities for people to engage, learn, and adopt spiritual practices in their lives. These practices are meaningful, thoughtful, nourishing, and even fun.
Praying. Just as we talk with other trusted people in our lives – sharing our needs and concerns, giving and receiving information, asking for things, expressing gratitude and forgiveness, and speaking words of love – prayer is simply doing so with God as our dialogue partner.
Worshipping. Sunday morning worship is a time to rest, re-evaluate life, re-center yourself, and find refreshment. When we gather in community, we come for varied reasons – to give thanks and celebrate, to ask for healing and strength, and to find the support needed to get through the tough times. We don’t come to worship with any pretense that we, or our lives, are perfect. Rather, we come with these challenges and the hope that in and through our worship, God works to refine and make us new.
Reading. The Bible is a key tool for living a life of faith. And being Biblically literate helps us understand the foundation of our faith tradition. Many other books have been written since, which can shed further light on our spiritual path. We explore the Bible and these other books in study groups that meet at various times throughout the year.
Serving. If you want a one-line definition for what it is to live a spiritual life, the prophet Micah says, “What does the Lord require of you? To do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God.” The Christian faith happens out in the world through our service to others.
Relating. Because spiritual growth is supported and encouraged at our church, friendships and relationships and participation become a huge part of faith formation. It is through interpersonal and caring relationships between people of faith that real transformation takes place.
Giving. Our weekly offering is symbolic of giving ourselves to the God who loves us with an everlasting love. This offering is done with joy and thanksgiving for being part of the mission and ministry of the congregation.